Let us remember, my beloved brothers, that we were created in the image and likeness of God. Image: a representation of the external form of a person or thing. But in the context it is a broader term encompassing the auditory, olfactory, and tactile etc. Likeness: the quality or fact of being alike, resemblance. In mathematics we say that two triangles are congruent or alike if they have the same angles even though one may be smaller than the other. In spiritual terms though, we are comparing aspects regarding the character, personality, and thoughts.

This means that even though God will always be greater, men would always keep the image of his creator, united to his personality. GREAT, RIGHT? In this virtuous creature the following should have been expected: wisdom, intelligence, grace, power, humility, temperance, etc. It was until that anagogic seed was planted fully, in the mind and intelligence of men. A contamination that later moved down to the heart and prospered negatively, until having captured, through deceiving means, the full actions and reactions of this new living being.

God and his seed are spiritual. Also Satan and his seed are spiritual. Therefore, all human actions and reactions are of a spiritual origin whether they are good or bad. The human being is the spiritual battlefield where good and evil wage war. Regarding human conduct the bible says: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the SPIRITUAL forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12, NIV).

Jesus, before that generation of religious people who pretended to say that they were children of Abraham, which meant being children of God, reproached them that their fruits (actions and reactions) were not in accordance to those of their “father.” He also added that: “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires” (Jn 8:44). This he said because they were trying to kill him.


And what of the current man?

            Speaking of what was previously said, we must admit that the word of God tells us that everything starts with a small seed. But it is this seed that intrinsically brings as well, a power of reproducing any kind of potential actions, and reactions of evil as a satanic inheritance. After the seed has sown, the growth phase begins until it reaches reproduction levels, in order to be transmitted to all of humanity. It is from here that: “the whole world is under the control of the evil one” (Jn 5:19).

            This means that men already comes impregnated with Satan’s personality, and therefore with such actions and reactions which are translated to: hatred, rancor, bitter roots, eagerness, envy, rebellion, strife, bad character, lies, idolatry, etc. These transcend to traumas, depressions, malice, and even mental sicknesses such as: schizophrenia, oligophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, dyslexia, dissociative identity, antisocial symptoms, etc. These all end in actions and reactions in egotistic manifestations of sin against God, against themselves, and against society. Ending in monstrous human tragedies.


And what shall we do?

            We are convinced that every human action and reaction is originated at the spiritual field. Therefore, the change needs to be deep and structural, there is no other alternative. Men, through psychology, which is a very new science, are trying to search the mind through their theories and techniques such as psychoanalysis.  They many find something in the past or childhood of someone that may make them wrongly say: “here is the problem.” They may only be half way there, but what then? Through human handling and untrue inferences these people come to be true clinical slaves.

Once they fail, the case is sent to psychiatric pharmacology, where a new problem is added which is the addiction to drugs that make the patient live outside of reality. Even though the person may be still, evil spirits and demos that are helpers of the evil one are influencing their actions and reactions. All of this technology of the badly called “science” will always be palliatives since people may feel a little better, but they are still in a deep dungeon, being manipulated by people who have similar or worse conduct problems than the person being treated.

The way out is not human. For our actions and reactions to change, we need a spiritual miracle: “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind…” (Jer 7:10). “And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit” (Ro 8:27). “… for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought” (1 Chr 28:9). What is important is the spiritual because with this our mind transcend to the highest, to the creator himself who tells you: “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” (Pro. 28:13). And also says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt. 11:28).

            In conclusion, every effect of our conduct is translated into actions and reactions, which are based on the damage caused from our sins and injustices; this makes the suffering of the past something important. But let us not remain on mere diagnostics and human escapes. Let us reverse even more, to our origins and let us humiliate ourselves in front of him who knows everything. Only there will we receive the truth through forgiveness through Christ’s blood. Let us also forgive every person or circumstance of life, which make us live in the bitterness of the past that causes for today: sickness, anguish, and disagreement in everything. May it be God who changes you and me. Amen and Amen